2014년 9월 11일 목요일

20140912 + Hadoop Trouble shooting

Today's expression================================================

-I do not believe (suppose, seem) that I have striking features.
-Once designed, silicon chips are extremely chip to manufacture in bulk.
-I am learning to how to play saxophone.
-I used to drink quite a lot.
-It is doubtful whether the people at large have an opinion(any idea) about revolution of the Internet.
-As far as TV is concerned, 65 percent of teenagers often watch TV.
-I have never considered studying abroad.
-If my memory serves me right, his uncle is a policeman.
-I have great difficulty getting closer to others.
-This house seems to be typical of European building.
-Participants are divided into three separate groups.
-The fact of the matters is that most people are concerned with health-care
-This is largely because the Korean culture is male-dominated.

I will write a motivation letter to TUB for next year.
First of all, I should consider how to organize passages according to what I learnt.

It is doubtful whether my writing would be better than before.

Trouble shooting Hadoop============================================


모든  Node와 Traker가 살아있어야한다.

살아있지 않은 경우에는 검색보다는 
>>vi logs/hadoop-jjoon-datanode-jjoon-Ubuntu.log를 통해서 에러를 확인하고
수정후에 stop-all.sh을 다시하고 hadoop namenode -format을 해주고 다시 start-all.sh해주어야 한다.

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