in Sudo authority, check the disk in in your Linux
>> fdisk -l
>> df -h
If not, you should partition the disk first
>> fdisk /dev/sdb
>> m for help
>> n for adding a new partition
>> p for primary
>> w
>> fdisk -l : checking it is right
Format file_system of the new disk
>> mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
So far, completing the formatting of the new disk
then we should mount the new disk from the root to the local disk.
How to do it?
- mkdir some folder in your local disk
- sudo mount /dev/sdb1 the folder name/ -t ext4
Then Change the folder's authority to yours
>>sudo chown jjoon ./the folder name.
Tips) How to install zshell !
Pictures) linux의 기본
Thanks gumdaengei
Taking a note about xPad
Python lecture
2 Papers
Textbook 4,5 Chapters
Degree (Graph theory)
- The degree of a vertex of a graph is the number of edges incident to the vertext with loops counted twice.
Hadoop) In order to execute some program, its extension should be .jar file, not .java file.
jar -cvf 생성할파일.jar 해당폴더명
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal abc.txt /input
hadoop fs -copyToLocal /output .
hadoop fs -rmr
hadoop jar WordCount.jar /input/abc.txt /output
1) javac
2) jar cmf main.txt WordCount.jar WordCount*.class
To set up which is Main class
3) in main.txt Main-Class: WfordCount
vim ~/.zshrc // being able to choose theme
In vim
command vs, sp
Ctrl + z / fg
python matrix.json | more
tmux new -s tmux_window
tmux attach - t tmux_window
Ctrl + B / D, :
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