2014년 9월 19일 금요일

20140920 Today's expression

Todays's expression==========================================================

- Teenagers are more influenced by the media than might be expected.
- National character is associated with the weather, either directly or indirectly. with climate
- Damage varies according to location or region.
- People studying in English are of any age & walk of life.
- The more longer we defer a decision, the more serious the problem is. will be
- When we think of the Internet, we tend to think of a computer.
- For whatever reason it is unacceptable to kill people.
- First of all, I would touch on basic structure of Korean educational system.
- This will help you make a decision of which is the most desirable.
- There is a sharp difference between ways of dressing according to personality. 

- I believe it important that such claims (should) spread out or be widely known.
- It tells well how the procedure were ignored.
- It is common knowledge that US president Cliton is a womanizer.
- My resentment to Karen is largely due to the fact that she solely occupies a room.
- Television is vital factor in holding a family together.
- It is open to question that Central Bank increased or raised interest rate last month.

Actually, I thought a homework of date mining assigned two days ago would take long time because we should set up a lot of experimental environment like Hadoop and GNU plot. In fact, It just took three hours. Before doing the homework last night, I watched Korean National Ballet performance with my friends, Eunbi. Well it was a great experience to release my stressful life.


- 검색엔진에 검색어를 통해 그것이 포함된 페이지를 찾는 기능도 있지만, 가장 인기 있는 페이지를 찾는 것도 중요한 기능이다.  (Google Page Rank Algorithm) 내 페이지에서 다른 페이지를 링크시키는 것을  Outlink, forward link라고 하고 그 반대도 존재한다.

단지 Inlink가 많다고 해서 인기 있는 페이지일까? 아니다. Source web site의 인지도에 따라서 권위도 다른다. 즉 권위있는 페이지로부터 받은  inlink는 같은 1개의 inlink라고 해도 상대적으로 높은 가중치를 부여해야한다.

그 가중치는  inlink를 보내는 페이지의 전체 outlink수로 나눠서 적용한다.

Shortest Path, as well known as minium cost to evaluate network performance
- 다익스타를 통해 (경로의 길이를 감안해서 간선을 연결하는 것이다. 하나의 시작점과 나머지 정점 경로를 계산한다)

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